Our Goal is
Simple Control

After years in the Mobile Hydraulic design and sales industries, we observed a real need in the market place.

Fan Control is a necessity to provide a stable hydraulic control package. The market was not being serviced by vendors who understood the customer needs.

We have provided a low-cost feature reach alternative to hand wiring a relay into a control box with a remote temperature switch.

Our Story

The FC product line is our 7th generation fan controller – we have been making DC and PWM fan controllers for 5 years – and learning the complexities and customer needs of the fan control situation.

The OEM Fan Control product line is
proudly designed, manufactured and sold by Joral LLC.

Our Team

The OEM Fan Control Team is dedicated to providing a product that will exceed your expectations and simply disappear into your moble hydraulic machine control system.

Katie Klepper

Product Manager

John Piasecki


Contact us – let us apply our skills to your cooling situation

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